
The only thing he did wrong was send out the spreadsheet. I can't do spread sheets to save my life, but when I was going on a lot of first dates I organized them in my head by giving them pet names "Rome Girl" - girl who lives in Rome. "Rock Star Julia" - girl who was a session musician for The Cramps for a while,

That is full of awesome.

I think you misunderstand the legal definition of homicide. It does not mean "murder" or even a felony. It means "an act that leads to death."

Thank you very much!

That was the only memo we were able to intercept. Our analysts are working on that question right now.

Um... 35 states treat intentional HIV transmission as a criminal offense.

Memo: Encryption Level 10 - Highest Priority

Good luck getting pro-anna content off the web. You can't get any idea good, bad, legal or illegal off the web. At best you can make sure that people have to come up with more creative keywords to type into Google.

If that's not an endorsement, I don't know what is.

Damn, thank you!

You just made my day!

Not single but in a very open relationship.

They also look at Robert Baratheon and think he's a metaphor for Bill Clinton.

Thank you very much.

Daenerys is multi-cultural, in favor of immigration, a strong supporter of women's rights and insists that workers be treated with respect and receive a fair wage.

I am! I can't wait to watch Episode 3 later today!

Thank you very much!

(AP) — Aspiring GOP presidential candidate Khal Drogo dropped out of the primary race today in a move that could position himself as former Gov. Mitt Romney's running mate.

I'm sorry! Logic-B-Gone!

I meant to type "oral or digital sex" but my xanax had started kicking in and I had a brain fart.