drunken marmot

I just want to say, as a semi-official old broad, I am amazed at how much all you young ones accomplish. Your world is much larger than mine was when I was in college and I'm really proud of all of you!

@eatsshootsleaves: You're Absolutely right. Earmarks are a simple fact of political life. The problem is, one state's earmark is another's pork.

sorry I meant Obama , obviously.

I think Obam is doing OK- not great, not bad. I do think he's a politician and politicians in general ain't gonna change much. They are ALL to entrenched.

I think what bugs me most about this story is that it seems like the young men were delivering food to her (IE checking up on a lonely old lady) and everyone is getting punished.

nthing the hatred of Coulter. She's set the party and the gender back about 100 years...

@scarletbegonia: My late stepfather ( a minister) had a close personal friend who was a nationally known professor at a very Christian ( read: no alcohol) school. The guy was French, loved his wine and used to dump all his empties by dumping them in a lake.

My Pennslyvania Dutch grandmother encouraged my mother to drink beer to help with breastfeeding. This was 62 years ago this month. Happy birthday, Big Brother!

Eve? That poor woman had to put with a LOT of shit...

@DutchessOfDork: Thank God you mentioned Eleanor of Aquitaine. I was starting to wonder what was being taught in school these days....

@ProjectZoe: Thank you. I nearly wet myself laughing.

I don't know or like enough people to do this.

I used to work with a man who was a truly devout Christian. Honestly, he was wonderful. His wife stayed home and had babies. She was totally insulated from the big, bad world. I used to wonder what would happen to her if anything happened to him, as she was completely non-functional in the real world.

OK, here goes. I was breastfed, back before it was trendy and have no strong opinions re: it's being "better" than bottlefeeding.

In the words of my father-in-law, that broad wouldn't say 'shit' if she had a mouthful...

This interview rocks! I love JJ and Shatner.

or SHE, I'm open to a female Deity.

Yeah, the whole "God's will" bugs me , too. My stepfather was a clergyman and he used to say that God always answers prayers, HE just sometimes doesn't give us the answer we want. I think there's WAY too many people who decide to have kids when God has apparently put the kibosh on that idea.

Is it me or does this person look like Macauley Culkin?