drunken marmot

*gets up on podium*

that's "terror"

I know they're hags but, thanks to what we now call strong female role models, I'm kinda looking forward to being the error of wrinkle village aka Mum and Gran...

I just hate everything about this story. Part of me feels sorry for the kids as they will have to grow up with this crazy broad. Most of me is really angry that we have a system that this nutjob was able to manipulate the system for her own demented ends... I mean, really, using student loans to support your family?

I'd get them if they didn't have heels. I always wanted cloven hooves and these are as close as I'll get...

Sorry, saving my money for the part of the heart transplant that isn't covered by insurance.

I know nothing of this stuff; however I am instinctively prepared to like anything named after a Red Sox player.

I come from a loooong line of cat ladies. It is an accepted fact by the women in my family that all cats are better than most people and all men.

@drunken marmot: Just to clarify, I like the president and wish him well. I'm just saying history is a better judge than current political enemies with grudges. Remember Andrew Johnson, anyone?

@sportz.star: Bad precedent, although no doubt a popular idea. The Pres is rightfully hesitant because he knows that someday, somewhere a "Truth and Justice " commission may want to look into his deeds.

As one of the horrid Republicans who EVERYONE hates, I just want to say that, in general, I liked Obama's speech. I do think think the government needs to do something, but I also think a little caution is cool. I especially appreciated the President noting that some Dems aren't exactly the most cooperative groups

I've been a fan for years. So sorry to hear this. RIP.

Since we're doing movies, I have a secret lust for John Wayne's (WAIT, hear me out!) character in 'Rio Grande'

Also, For the record, I think we need a combination of tax cuts and spending to help us get through this mess...

Ummm, some Democrats don't particularly want Obama to sicceed, either, IMHO.

Hubby and I ( Republicans) patiently explained to EVERY idiot we knew ( it seems there are many) that Obama is STILL the president just because Roberts screwed up the oath.

Thank God or Someone I don't do do Facebook or MySpace as it sounds like there's LOTS of hate out there. Justice Roberts made a minor mistake and President Obama caught it. They laughed. It doesn't mean anything other than everyone was nervous and excited.

Every time I read something like this, I'm amazed at how many people forget (or don't know) basic hygiene. Wash your hands, people!

I encourage people to do this trick. While they do, I steal their drinks.