drunken marmot

If that jerk represent marriage, I'm against it.

I love Judi Dench and have for years!

Right. I think part of the problem is that we all want problems fixed NOW! It took a long time to get in the muddle we're in and it will take a long time to get us out.

Yes, indeed.

As an Episcopalian, I love how we're a seperate religion!

I don't think that at all, actually. I think churches should embrace gays. Contrary to massive fear-mongering here in Massachusetts, gay marriage has not destroyed 'traditional 'marriage. I'm just saying that politics shouls stay out of religion as much as religion should stay out of politics. Just as many right

A few years ago, when my Mum was clearing out stuff prepatory to moving to her local wrinkle village she gave my husband a 'gift'. It was a bag of my hair from when I first cut it short, about 30 years ago.

A differing opinion is what I meant to say, not " differentinion"

Old fashioned liberal Republican here. I voted for Obama and,in general, have been pleased with his choices so far.

She can call herself anything she wants, it's a free country.other people have the right to call her other things.As we say in Maine, just because my cat had kittens in the oven doesn't make them biscuits...

Thanks. It just realy frustrates me that our society has shifted towards rewarding negative behaviors and ignoring the majority of people who are trying to play by the rules and still get screwed over.

I, too, thought she was the Gloved One. How sad and disturbing.

Ok, so I admit I'm in a bad mood today and things aren't great in my life at the moment, but I'm finding it really hard to work up sympathy for this woman.

I'm seriously considering getting active in politics again for this very reason. I'm sick of the Grand Old Republican party I know and love being taken over by idiots.

A friend has always had rescue greyhounds. They are lovely. Phoebe works as a therapy dog, too, visiting 2 nursing homes and a mental health residence. she loves the work, but it exhausts her.

@Lox-Dei: You're absolutely right. I have no problem with 'tough but fair'.

Just to be Devil's Advocate: if the Republicans had decided to allow her to keep the stuff, would we all be bitching about that?

@electrogeek77: At some point, just stick your fingers in your ears and loudly go "lalalala"

Cheers for the women from Maine!