drunken marmot

@Princess Leela: Thanks. We can be quite nice, given encouragement.

I guess it's better to vent here than to to act on it somehow...

I know- let's all meet up and get drunk! We can call it the "Great Reconciliation Pub Crawl of '08"

Again , I apologize for my "fellow" Republicans...

@Marzia: You voted the way that you think best serves America. Don't be ashamed!

*sigh* I'm saddened by all the incivility from both sides. My rabidly liberal FIL called to gloat in the most obnoxious manner. My right wing Mum ranted at me about what "they" will do to America.

I'm a Republican who voted for Obama. The current Republican party is waay too religious for my tastes.

I had those ghastly daisy sheets! Ummmm.. my Mum still has them and uses them, I think.

I got a 5, which makes me either a manly man or a woman who dares to be different. I'm OK with this, but it will wig out the hubby...