drunken marmot

Sorry, couldn't get past "daemons".

Edna Ferber is a bit dated, but has aged well. There's some sharp social commentary years ahead of its time in her writing. Also, she has a good gripping style.

I take a diuretic and while I haven't had any actual problems yet, I know thery're on the way...

Someone earlier mentioned Florence King. YES!! She should be the GOP VP, a real broad with a brain, not just some reanimated corpse!!

Also, Lindsey Davis

I haven't read through all the comments, but Barbara Pym and Flannery O'Connor have awonderfully sly social sense.

I HATE Sarah Palin. I am deeply angry and bitter that the Republican party has been taken over by increasingly narrow-minded bigots who know nothing but are sufficiently mobilized and have the resources to run the show.

I am deeply ashamed that Americans killed other Americans because of skin color. In the 20th century.

Love, love LOVE Hawthorne.

oops .Sorry better, not betetter.

I think what bugs me the most is that she wears what I call the Martyrdom Mom crown. I bet she's constantly telling the kids how much betetter off she'd be if she didn't have them...

I was strongly leaning towards Obama anyhow, but I think Palin pushes me over the edge.

Don't hate me 'cuz I'm a Republican.

Ooooh, I remember this! When I was little I had a serious lion thing going, thanks to the Adamsons, Christian and "Daktari". I was going to grow up and go to Africa and save the lions from poachers.

I hope everyone is OK. Good vibes from Massachusetts!

I like to think of myself as a broad or floozy- slightly drunk, snarky and with a well-hidden heart o' gold.

these stories make me sad and angry. Sometimes it's hard to be proud of our country...

Shit, I'm doomed. I live in Massachusetts and we all know how he feels about us....

YES! The Patchwork Girl rocked! Also, I wanted to live in the Tin Castle with the Tin Man.hehheh, Emperor of the Winkies!!

I so identified with the Wicked Witch (waaaay before "Wicked"). I'm told I sulked for days when I learned I couldn't have my own winged monkeys.