drunken marmot

Since my daily fashion goal is comfort, clean and cheap, I guess 30s era flour sack clothes are my best option.

I belong to the generation where getting a tat was quite risque and sent out "bad girl" vibes.

so far, she's doing better than Amy Winehouse....

@Ipomoea. That's the way Molly is only about a thousand times worse. The vet IMMEDIATELY diagnosed anxiety. I have to say she is certainly a Type A cat. oddly enough, Molly has been to the same vet all her life and only recently were meds suggested.

This is so timely for me. My mother's cat, a tortie namred Molly is currently in residence at the vets to start getting Prozac. Molly was abused and neglected before Mum got her and she has always been, bluntly, nasty. When I spoke with the vet today, Molly had actually taken a treat from one of the staff!


I love, love LOVE beer. Living in the Common Woe of massachusetts, we have great brews. I prefer Harpoon, but kinda wish we had access to Yuengling (they don't distribute in NE).

I'm actually not surprised by this. I've felt that for some time now, our economic policies (personal and national) will eventually lead to a resurgence of slavery.

I'm 46 and Mum is 84. She can still bring me to the verge of tears with her general nastiness. I have no sense of worth and feel I can tolerate her less and less.

@newsbunny. Another Mass resident here, hence the bad screen name.

I'm a liberal Republican. I want to apologize for the other members of my party.

I think the first plotfinder is " Where the Red Fern Grows". I have no idea about the second.

This man was a kid during the war. I'm curious to know what may have happened to him to cause him to be so screwed up. I'm not making excuses for him, I want to know how his childhood experiences may have warped his mind.

Johnny Damon *sigh*

Hubby and I are both Red Sox fans, so we're cool.

I neither flaunt nor cringe about menstruating. I just hate it. I'm periomenopausal and so far, it's been a real trip.

I'm 46 and have never smoked. I'm fascinated by the fact that the younger and older generations than mine smoke. I think in the case of the younger, it's a form of rebellion. These kids grew up with society preaching at them to not smoke, so the best way to show independence was to smoke.

I love baseball. I love Fenway and I love to visit Oriole Park. I really wish I lived in an area where baseball tickets were available and inexpensive.

My life has been blissfully Disney-free. I have no kids, so it isn't an issue. Never wanted to visit and the only Disney movie I've seen is "Fantasia" as an adult.

Like most of the discussions here, this is a a good one.