
I think he changed his mind when he learned of a way to eliminate
Avasarala, the only one who knows all the details about his treason. With her off-world, in the clutches of his co-conspirator, he suddenly had a chance to clear the slate and take back power.

She would need the Martian military to take her back to Mars, and possibly serve a prison term, before having any chance to start looking for other sympathetic Martians who are willing to ignore government propaganda that it was her carelessness that destroyed Ganymede. That's a plan that could take years to pan out,

I'd just like to say… I'm always in the mood to see someone's face get smashed in with a tape dispenser.

Trust his own people? Think about what you're saying.

I think it was the realization that they are in a losing war of attrition whether they fight back or not. He could see Aaron was was beaten for shits n'giggles, and they just lost three more of their band of survivors (two deaths, plus The Mullet). So their community is going to continue to bleed out until there's no

Ooooh, that does sound great! Thanks! I'll have to check around and see if I can get Starz temporarily up here. I love pirates and the Royal Navy, anything on the high seas like Horatio Hornblower or, if I'm feeling really desperate, I can even sit through a 3 hour JohnnyDeppathon. NBC (of all places!) had a

Ha! Looks like the Venn diagram of shared taste in historical entertainment overlaps completely. Yeah, I think you'll like Marco Polo.
What's Black Sails? Is that on Netflix? I'm in Canada, where we get only a fraction of the variety of the US Netflix. I think it's because our internet tubes freeze up here or something.

It was much, much better than I expected.
I'm also a huge fan of historical dramas, but I kept passing over this series, expecting another "white guy from the west teaches the Asians how to succeed" wankfest. It turns out I needn't have worried.
Marco is almost a secondary character, and the drama, especially in the 2nd

He also played the title character on "Marco Polo", on Netflix

Yeeeeah… he's a teenager. Even without the zompocalypse and the memories of cutting his baby sister out of his still-twitching mama's womb with a pen knife and watching his pappy tear out Carl's would-be rapist's throat with his teeth, I think it's a bit much thinking 15 year olds should be stable, predictable

"We just spent an hour last week watching Rick kowtow to Negan’s demands, and even if we’re questioning his decisions, Rick is still supposed to be sympathetic. There are differences between his leadership style and Gregory’s; Rick was willing to lie about Maggie to save her life, which counts for a lot. But there’s