
Nooooo springs!

Listen, you've got two parts 19th century sailing references, one part dead infants haunting their parents, and a dash of literary references? Throw in a sad accordion? Baby, you've got yourself a Decemberists stew going!

Yeah, there's some plausible deniability there. I would really appreciate a more informative statement than just saying the site isn't meant as a mockery of these folks…making fun of bad costuming is a proud theater tradition, but one you should be invited into by the people whose work is being beat down.

Agreed. I'm not here to tell someone when they should be offended, and I hope those kids are all in on the joke. Maybe she gains consent from those involved somehow before posting pictures. I don't know.

Which hashtag are we using to highlight this cause?

This is maybe my favorite article I've ever read on this site.

Black Rocks: "Can't go here."

This was the first game that taught me I could play however I wanted. There was a stretch of several months where I would start a game, play until the worm boss in the third dungeon (Moldorm?), then start over because I didn't want to deal with that shit. Eventually I made it to the dark world and had a similar,

Are we not marking spoilers for the 80 year old book?

This should also help explain the evangelical voting bloc. The fear of/excitement for these events coming about.

I remember my kid's church pastor speaking about this movie with a kind of hushed reverence that I normally associated with the altar call at the end of service.

"Rangeeeeeeer Biiiiiiiiiiill….."

Before I realized that it wasn't something that made me seem cooler to kids who didn't go to my church, I used to bring up that Carmen was my first concert.

Is this the thread where I get to ask how well everyone remembers watching Carmen videos on VHS during Wednesday night service? Or Adventures in Odyssey cassette tapes in the car?

I was scared shitless
That this was an oblique reference to casting rumors about the 'American Gods,' series.