
as a former swimmer I’d take it even one step further and have an accomplished athlete from a traditional sport show how freakishly hard it is to be a top level swimmer, nothing gives me more joy than watching some JV high school baseball star talk shit about my sport and then drown.

anyone who considers this guy's career over is being really shortsighted.

That's so BFIB of you to claim you were above the BFIB crowd, you're just a BFIB hipster which is worse

$18 million a year? that’s 2 million per career PPG. He is the most overrated bull of all time.

gotta be weird for Subban, he's going from not being able to walk on the street in peace to a team that had to have a hockey rulebook in its local paper during the playoffs

people defend not having the DH in the NL with a game like this, I still say fuck that I'd rather have the DH

the title of this article on reddit was very misleading

is anyone consistently hungry at all times? I’m pretty serious when I say if I have food in my apartment I'll eat it until it's gone my lack of self control is pretty frightening.

Tony Stewart, just killing the competition

Just realized that

I'm an idiot

you have a Canadian, a guy from Greece, and a guy from DR Congo in there...

I’d actually be for a eurosnobby name like “The Las Vegas Hockey Club”

I’m interested to see what type of high school she went to, I was in the bottom quarter of my high school graduating class with a GPA above a 3.0. Our school knew how bad it would make a students look so there were no actual class rankings that were made available to us unless the specific college required

I’m also worried about what they do with Melissa McCarthy, I am a Gilmore Girls fan and although I liked her in Bridesmaids, the Heat, and Spy I think they rely way too much on physical comedy. There’s just too much of "look at that fat lady try and do skinny people things" in her movies.

I imagine it’s always been that way though, I just read an article that said teenagers of the 40's were referred to as the “Me generation” naturally I was pissed because as a millennial I no longer feel special and you know how that upsets us.

I thought 21 jump street was pretty good, that is probably because I haven’t seen any part of the original

although I disagree with the idea that the movie was not that good I agree that it has nothing to do with the actors involved but moreso a lame story line, I really like the idea of this cast together but do we really have to remake every 80's movie?

yeah but again that’s natural ability developed wayyyyyyy too late. If there’s a kid that looks like he could be developed at a young age no travel team is going to turn him away cause he can't afford it. Look at the USMNT right now the only non working class player I can think of is Michael Bradley.

all about this trade, the guy is an absolute fraud. The New York media will destroy him