
Is that supposed to look like a USB outlet because they’re the Chargers?

Doing It The Reich Way

Cardinal fans don’t want the accussed actions of a few to represent all of them. “Most of us are classy enough to call him the n-word in the privacy of our home around only friends and family.”

No, and if somebody wants to go into a restroom with nefarious purposes, there are already laws against sexual assault, etc., and another law isn’t going to stop them. Bathroom bills only make criminals of transgender people.

Still waiting for Deadspin to post the audio of the best fans in baseball welcoming Heyward back.

Plus they we’re being very mean to the lucky fan with a microphone

Title Whine

“See? This is why women shouldn’t play sports! They cry and quit when a coach is even a little bit hard on them.” - my uncle, probably

This is the most useless coverage on Deadspin. Please continue it for the rest of the season.

“No snow” and “no cars” are maybe the two worst arguments for a city’s quality.

My sister-in-law nicknames her dogs based on Jets’ players. Bark Sanchez is long gone, and now D’Brickapaw Ferguson.

If you don’t understand his current “considerable value” as one of the brightest young hitters in the game, then you don’t understand baseball. The Cubs will not and SHOULD not trade Schwarber.

He’ll be fine - maybe a DL-15 stint. This is why I'm very happy Theo didn't move Soler in the offseason. Cubbies have depth on top of depth.

Friendly advice: if your audience isn't in your field, don't use field-specific jargon without explaining it. Muddies the message.

You know who always caught a can of corn? Yaz.

Who is this Craigslist jamoke stumbling into our cozy digs...

“It’s wrong to force a friend to continue paying rent in a city he no longer lives in:”

There’s a running joke in my own head that Giri Nathan tells people he writes for a lifestyle blog and has no idea Deadspin is a sports site.

A spokesman for ESPN says they’ve been flooded with calls from white people overjoyed to see a black man rooting for them.

White guys in dreads surely do look stupid, but there is no excuse for her behavior, none. Especially once she starts assaulting him.