
I managed to follow it, and find the point.

Men’s Swimming Olympic Gold Medals since 1896:

Wait a minute, fans in Philadelphia can get EJECTED?? I’m pretty sure I watched someone murder a guy at the Linc last year and the ushers just told him to tone it down a bit.

No. It was Ralph Nader supporters and their “There is no difference between Bush and Gore!!” whining that pushed the election to Bush.

“What an amazing tribute.” - Dan Snyder

Ray: A drop of golden fun

I would love to see his Tinder conversations.

I’v heard of stolen valor, but valor obtained by elbowing an 8 year old in the face is a new level of despicable.

“give so much back to the baseball world.”

So much yes to this. Especially re: white people visiting European countries.

W2 soon

Fucking other people over on minute technicalities and acting like that makes you a genius? Thats exactly what I’d expect from a Bruce Arena team.

This one is clear. The 1945 World Series Detroit Tigers versus Chicago Cubs. If the Cubs won, there’d be no century of futility, no needless suffering every year, and likely no craziness like Bartman, blowing up cursed baseballs, bringing goats into the stadium, or weird references in movies like Back to the Future.

Yeah, LOLMets has never been used on Deadspin.

They’re from Texas. I’m pretty sure they couldn’t locate Canada on a map

It does make sense for a Magpie to get relegated

Looks like an MCL/ACL injury based on his level of pain and how he lands awkwardly on his knee.

You’d think Michael J. Fox would have better things to capture on Vine.

I mean, I see the laces, but it sure looked like the defender was loafin’.