
Played college ball and I remember the Coach saying on 9/11 this is where we get better and didn’t cancel practice (California). All the other teams have gone home, here’s where we get better. We didn’t get better.

But John Terry really is a cunt.


Of all teams, Penn State should know that shit only stays buried for so long.

Yes. 40+ women have all tried to have sex with Bill, and when he couldn’t get it up, they all got upset and they all cried rape.

Glad he’s finally caught a break.

Because her husband is out with his yahoo buddies again, and he didnt even call.

I don’t know if I know he’s guilty, but I generally take women at their word when they report a violent sexual assault to the police. I know it’s not the MRA way, but by God I’m going to stick to it.

“You remember only flashes of Derrick Rose since 2013? Join the club”

“What were you trying to put it in, her purse?” - Rachel Greene on Friends

Just another manic Munn day.

Why LSD when you can Quaalude?

Romelu Lukaku smartly bucked the impulse, and has done wonders for himself and his career.

He didn’t say that...

He lost the earring in the fight after failing to take two steps and make a football move with it

Fine, I get it. You win, Burneko. You have two boys, so you can write something perfect like this. I have two girls and I’m reading reviews on Amazon for leotards.

“I’m crying” - then it’s probably anal

I would strongly advise against doing this.

The best part of that whole exchange is how Hawk Harrelson barely talks through any of it

Stephen A. has longstanding contempt for perpetrators of black-on-black crime.