
The title of this article should be, "Ibrahimovic scores typical Zlatan goal".

Yeah so I guess that makes my opinion either racist or invalid right? White guy was in the wrong. Does Smart's reaction make the situation right? No, it exacerbates the situation. All we can do now is play Captain Hindsight. This wouldn't be a problem if white guy had just not been racist. But he was, and Smart

Is "Africa" now considered the "A" word?

Zimmerman was innocent, let it go people.

Boy, the refs are gonna have an earful about this one from Harbaugh

These are always the hardest matches to watch because while I want Chelsea to drop points, it's nice to see ManU fall apart. Too bad they can't both lose.

Now playing

It was more his "yeah, that's perfectly normal behavior" go-about-your-business response. As opposed to Exhibit A:

Fucking Rooney and Moyes.

Don't MAKE me have to call Rev. Sharpton!

Take this for what it's worth, because I'm not naming names...but I know 2 girls on the current ND squad and neither shed one tear when "The Diva" graduated to the WNBA, nor did the Athletic Department who became completely tired of her "demands".

Quite obviously, Cousins is Racist.

Use some of that casino money to buy the team and change the name yourself.

I love how the only people who care about this are liberal bloggers and sarcastic Twitter users. Keep on arguing that Native Americans are so sensitive and stupid that they give a shit about an NFL team's name — it just further serves to highlight the hypocrisy of this political correctness crap.

hey Dom, your white so quiet feeling offended for indians. if their so offended i'm sure well here about it.

Then the teens sent him a text message calling him a "half-kike" and made him pick up a $78 pizza tab at Chuck-E-Cheese's.

What about Water Polo? It's aqua-Lacrosse

Maybe it's a little too mainstream for inclusion here, but serious Ice Hockey isn't for the poors. You could easily drop $1,000 into gear before you even step onto the ice. Adam Banks wasn't a stereotype.

No water polo ore regular tennis?

D-Rose definitely the only pro athlete out there who has some jewelry