
Its fucking bolded for you dolt, you’re either dishonest or delusional. Either way: Denial is not a defense, excuse, or something to be proud of. Your brain is as dead as your conscience.

“LOL. This lie is really evolving”

I’d say her going to prayer groups with the Fundamentalist Evangelical group known as ‘The Family’ matters. Not in a legal sense, but in the sense of why people should or should not support her.

I refuse to call this a doughnut

For real: fuck this doughnut

“Gun deaths in the U.S. are occurring on average at a rate of 31 million a year, or 27 people every day. As for similar countries:”

Goddamn, you are catching an inordinate amount of shit for this. I’ll admit, I was on the fence until that baby decided to go chapter and verse from the Manifesto; now, I’m mostly wondering just how weird the comments are going to get.

Either way you get someone who publicly hated black people and homosexuals. But one still does, so I guess there's that silver lining.

Yes, by allowing the cloud of neoliberalism to destroy the lives of anyone who isn’t American.

I’m going to be “that girl.” Technically, you can be a racist-xenophobic-misogynistic-authoratarian-chauvinist and NOT actually be a fascist. Fascism requires a love of the state and a belief in the state over the individual: Trump is an arch-individualist.

That’s not what the title says, though. If it said first nominated female democrat candidate, they would be correct.

It’s been over six months since Hillary has held a press conference.

Victoria Woodhull was the first woman to run for president. Margaret Chase Smith ran as a Republican in 1964 and Shirley Chisholm ran as a Dem in 1972.

She’s not the first female presidential candidate. Jill Stein was a candidate for the Green party in the last election cycle. Clinton is the first female candidate from one of the two major parties.