How do you crash?

dammit lexus...

A Porsche without a massive stack of buttons?!?! (someone somewhere is really but hurt about this.)

Never has it looked more golf-ish than this. just the proportions and lowness...

What is this hiding back there?

“the 991 turbo sounds angry under full throttle” at which point you’re doing 135mph on the public highway...

nice turbo.

Ideally you want a used 250cc Japanese dirt bike from craigslist or similar. Why? Cheap. Easy to repair. Low seat height. Lightweight. And tough. A first bike is one you can beat the crap out of, drop, take off road, fall off, etc and that would hurt so much on a nice new bike. Build your skills for a year then go

Couter point: Keep the particulate filter, it makes the exhaust plumes harder to spot and attack?

Some windows machine there...

“No, no, no, it’s rust colored paint, that way the capitalists will underestimate us” -Some NK general to his boss.

For the weekend I want a manual NA flat 6:

“Green Moss has matching serial numbers”

Wish this just rounded down like the TT or 911, this long tail looks bad. very bad.

grandpa? is that you?

Does BavarianAuto or IPD count?

Short 747s always freak me out for some reason. yikes.

It is about avoiding a Carbon Tax, which are politically impossible. If the CO2 pollution externality was accounted for (tax) then you wouldn’t need these stupid rebates and the market would sort this out on it’s own.

It is, that’s the way economic incentives work. Sometimes there isn’t a case to equally incentivize all parties when the resources (rebate dollars) are scarce. In this specific instance encouraging manufactures to build and price vehicles for high-income/low-volume individuals might not be the best use of the limited

Modern 2002 CSL of my dreams...Yaaaas.

This wheel is a train wreck...