How do you crash?

This is an under talked about point! My modest highschool and state university experience confirms this. Most people are driving around in cars that are 3-12 years old with under a 125k on the clock. How long can a person affordable keep a 2010 accord or CRV on the road? Almost indefinitely.

You’re doing it right. As a 24-year old millennial that’s what I want. No kids, and a laid back life in a smaller provincial PNW city.

Is this mobileyes new fleet-sharing enabled system? If so then the Serena and the Leaf will be improving with time and fleet learning.

We’ve been kinja’d. Every time I try to star a comment it decreases the star count... (on mobile Safari)

THe maritime industry is planning to transition away from bunker oil to low sulfur diesel. Their timeline for doing so iirc 2020? lines up nicely with the projected decline in passenger diesel use.

Yes, I agree. Sometimes you can get the dealer to discount the car if you pay in cash. However in my, very limited experience, the dealer is more willing to reduce the price if you finance because they get a kickback on the transaction from the captive finance arm.

Eh, it’s pretty normal. Sure if you want a brand new luxury finished apartment in Belltown/SLU/CapHill it’s expensive. But comparing the 1 bedroom prices with Bellevue, Anchorage, PDX, SFO, LA, it’s pretty much the same. Now if you want to argue about 3-4 bedroom single family housing then we aren’t talking about

8.5 is my back of the napkin number for historical returns. You could argue that because the investment will have a life of 6 years the risk of index investing is too much. Personally I don’t mind it, even during the ‘08-09 crash the market came back in to equal in 5 years (not accounting for inflation which was

Personally? no, but I can see how it would fit into someone’s personal cashflow management. sometimes its not about being able to “afford” the $700 payment it is about having the liquidity and flexibility a lower payment offers. i.e. one person in a two person household freelances so some months they can pay 1000

Look at a similar model that has been made for years. How much more, inflation adjusted is a 2016 Camry from a 1996? Add to that the new Camry is both larger, more comfortable, more powerful, and more efficient.

Yes, the automaker says, “we’re could move your job to SC or South America and use the capex as a write off, take a paycut!”.

If you can get 60 or 72 months with 0% interest on a new car it could be called “investing”. In that you should invest the excess cashflow you would have spent on a 48 month 2.5% loan into a broad index fund that returns 8.5% on average. Free money is Free money after all.

Wait... they’re comparing the median to the average! you shouldn’t do that, compare the median to the median. Which I would guess is probably comparing a mid sized CUV or sedan. The Explorer is 31K base, the Camry is 21K base. That would be much more in line with reality. The average is dragged up by all the F-150s

Excellent read, hopefully you’ll get more reviews?

Wait Korea is developing a rocket?

“Miata, show me where FCA touched you”

I know both of those things. I was trying to point out the cost per mil comparisons. Even though, yes of course, U-Link/North Link are not fair comparisons. It was idiotic juxtaposition to draw attention to just how expensive it is to build a modern subway system.

Because most of our tunneling projects are not through stable rock we are usually in mucky landfill from the colonial era. See Seattle’s Hwy-99 tunnel, most of it goes through a liquefaction zone fully submerged in water logged soil.

Seriously, I wish people could appreciate how capital efficient this is on a per mile basis compared to recent tunnels in NYC and Seattle. (2nd Ave Subway, Light rail to UW).

It does make me wonder how many cycles the current falcon 9 1.2FT structure and propulsion system can handle. All that icy O2 and nasty temperature/pressure differentials have to take a heavy toll on the alloys.