Drummertist v.3

Or it could deal with the fact that as soon as the iPad was released, samsung and others took it upon themselves to copy the front of the iPad. All the way to the ~1inch black bezel. There are other ways to make tablet computers as seen here before the iPad [osxdaily.com] You would think the company you are siding

Here's a story about Android tablets and the "normal" (i.e. non-tech savvy) customer:

Of course it's a slow computer. You're running it on Windows.

What's wrong with the iPhone 4 design? it's amazing. Like an "old Lyca Camera". I'm actually quite pleased that they stuck with it. I don't understand what is wrong with the internet today. I think I'm gonna log off and be back tomorrow.

I'm coming from 3GS too. It looks granier every day.

Yeah, but the other two generations were not flat. They usually build off what they did the year before...

I'll call it now:

My 3GS still works great! Could use a factory reset once I upgrade to iPhone 5 but still chugging along. I'll probably use it around the house once upgraded or let my kids play games on it.

"...awkward 4:3 aspect ratio."

Screen makes it look like what I've already tipped...

Everyone I know in north Carolina calls it either a "Nextel" (due to the now waning popularity of the brand) or "cell phone" (because we southerners hate pronouncing big words like cellular).

If I was a bachelor then I'd dig it. It would be a great home for poor people.

So Google wines like a bitch when Apple sues Android partners over obviously violated patents and says it's "anticompetitive". Then, sues Apple through it's partner like a father using his child as a meat shield with patents that they inherited through the Motorola deal?

Does Giz proofread their stories anymore? Every story I read on giz has one or more HUGE typographical errors and they keep getting worse.

That's it. Giz editors HAVE gone crazy.

HMDI? Is that supposed to be HDMI? Geez Giz...whats with all the typos lately?

There are plenty of needs for the Post Office that will always be there. Online orders for products have to be shipped. Many people will use snail mail when a bills late or when they want to send a birthday card to their family member in another state. Netflix still sends DVD's through the mail.

Sorry, I don't eat the "pink" hotdogs. I eat the AWESOME RED Carolina Packers hotdogs made right here in North Carolina. They are so much better than those "pink" hotdogs.

Screen size? Draw a mockup of what you saw!!! Or are you just a POS liar?

This didn't make me laugh at all. Is it just me or is Giz going downhill?!