Drummertist v.3

@kirbycutta: I've owned a MacBook and a MacBook Pro and my chargers have never messed up or stopped working. Actually, you're the first person I've ever heard this from.

Disgusting. It won't make me a vegetarian, but it's still disgusting.

I love my 15" MacBook Pro 2.66 Ghz Core i7 with 500 GB 7200 rpm HD, 8 gig RAM and Hi-Res glossy display. Best computer I've ever owned. I also have Windows 7 Professional running on it through boot camp.

How do you have a Nerdgasm—oh, OH! Nevermind...

@blastin: What?! That joke is freakin' cutting edge, man! CUTTING. EDGE.

The obligatory joke:

TSA: Yes sir, I see your razor blades, but what I really want to do is touch your crotch. Strip. Now.

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!

I could care less if I got my television programs from Apple TV, Google, TV, Netflix, Cable or Satellite.

@Presidentpez: Oh, my comment didn't pertain to what was on the wall; It was about Kanye in general.

What a crack-head. I just really, really hate Kanye.

Google has enough of my information. Do I really want to route my personal calls through their "service"?

I'm guessing Sony will also announce it's own Android software/PSP Game based App Store.

I tried to tell you guys this in a Photoshop contest a couple months back...

Thank goodness.

Get ready for...

Blockbuster is using a horribly old rental system and is refusing to change. They're just like newspapers that don't want to go online: They're gonna die.