
The Droid X.

@whatne1wuddo: Yeah, but then my comment wouldn't have been so clever!

@1wetworker: Wow, he was wan't he? Cool. I wanna listen to more of his stuff!

@tensai: I LOVE Baby Skratch. Awesome app!

I love the TPain Autotune App on my iPhone.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Yes, it will cleanse your wallet clean from earthly possessions such as money.

What's with all the religious news? Watch your boundary Gawker.

Scientology is about worshipping yourself. Geeks worship their computers.

7 months? You better get $10,000 for the painting at the least. That would put you on par for minimum wage!

They didn't throw them under a bus! They were just comparing different phones that had the same problem. Deal with it and move on. It's old news now.

@NaraVara: It is a fact of life that you can't change the laws of physics. You're right. It has just gotten WAY out of hand with all this bashing.

@LiviaSnake: What? Like noone else causes issues like this? Here's one of my posts from earlier:

Yeah...I'm glad that's gone.

@NaraVara: But (and I quote Steve Jobs) "We want to make ALL our users happy". This phone doesn't do that.

@Gators15: Well, like everyone has said..."so much for 'open'".

Can you open it up and take out the device that bricks it? I'm sure someone will figure out a way to do this.