@OCEntertainment: I meant "I was thinking about it in the wrong way". Sorry.
@OCEntertainment: I meant "I was thinking about it in the wrong way". Sorry.
@citation_needed: Have you been reading the conversation up to this point? OCEntertainment helped me change my viewpoint. You're a little late.
I just wish they would tell the truth and try to fix the problem instead of side-stepping it.
@Drummertist: Oh and I forgive any comments on here that added nothing to the discussion. Thank you for participating anyway.
@OCEntertainment: Very good argument and that makes alot of sense. I guess I wasn't thinking about it in the right way. This is why I love Gizmodo.
@Odin: ...okay...maybe ninefold...
@citation_needed: Apple smacked down Google Voice because it replicates what the iPhone already does. Google maps with Turn-by-Turn is NOT something the iPhone already does. Google is supplying maps, so why can't it supply turn-by-turn along with maps?
@Odin: I think it would be a bigger blow to Google who uses Apple's iDevices to increase it's market share tenfold. Apple is probably trying to replace these Google maps so we'll still have maps. YouTube just released it's mobile site (that's supposed to be fabulous) so we wouldn't miss anything. Google would suffer…
@cruzer555: Neither will the companies that lose consumer trust because they can't honor a deal THEY advertised.
I'm sick of Apple allowing Google to supply their map app. Google is giving them the short end of the stick. Android has turn-by-turn directions, so why doesn't the iPhone?
Toshiba is stupid. Why offer it if you aren't going to follow through. What is with these companies nowadays?
@spider2544: Bad signal? Uh oh, better get MAACO!
I use Opera Mini on my iPhone only when I have access to their Edge (2G) network. Otherwise I use Safari because it renders pages MUCH better. There are alot of weird things I don't like about Opera Mini that keep me using it as my main browser.
Why the heck should I have to pay for it when I've already spent hundreds of dollars on their device and everyone else is offering it for free?!
@c_to: Holy Lightning Rod, Batman!
Steve Jobs exact quote was that it "ultimately results in sub-standard apps and hinders the enhancement and progress of the platform."
I love ConvertBot. It's one of my favorite apps.
@SQLGuru: Yeah...they're naaaasty words though...
@ajcaras2013: Uh...their stocks have been hovering around $250 for months...