
Would be a good move on Apple's part to do a silent recall. But, some honesty in the situation would make a world of difference in how people view this fiasco.

The Android UI enhancement looks just like what Microsoft is doing with Windows Phone 7. Minimalism.

$250? Why not buy a case instead? Everyone I know who has a phone (whether it's blackberry, droid, iphone, etc.) has a case. I have an Otterbox Commuter on my iPhone 3GS and I think it makes it look better!

Words? Nah, I like to read pictures. They're worth a thousand words!

I tell ya, Apple needs to catch up on cloud computing. Windows Phone 7 is looking better and better everyday. The minimalist style is a graphic designers' (my) dream. However, Apple tried minimalism on iOS 1-3 and customization ended up winning out. How would you customize this phone (with backgrounds, folders, etc.)

@grok666: I just...won't get gas a the BP station...yeah...

Can't wait to see some more art from you, Nikki!

Freakin' awesome.


Thank you for using BP—an acronym for what we stand for: Big Pollution.

looks awesome

Safari and any games.

@Commander Waffles: I don't know...strike that comment...yeah...time machine...

Darn you Apple! Get with the times, dude!

While everyone focuses on iPhone as the leader in fanboys (and I don't doubt that), according to the discussions that take place on this site everyday, there are almost as many fanboys for Android, WinMo and Crackberries.


Yeah...won't deter me from getting an iPhone 5 when my 3GS contract expires next year.

Yeah...won't deter me from getting an iPhone 5 when my 3GS contract expires.