
Your stories so suxxorzzzz. Gizmodo suckzzzzzzz!!!!@!@!!! Engadget RULES!!!@@!!!!!@ because its da bestezt evaaaar!!@

They should put this inside.

@Axelph: I think what you mean is a good UI (User Interface).

iOS, Android and even WinMo7 looks better than that. This may be a case of too little too late. But, I won't make my final judgement until I try it. Can't wait!

Sounds like an old geezer who just wants to put down something just to put it down. If all he thinks about is masturbation when he sees the iPad, then his head is in the gutter and his opinion doesn't count.

@led235: I live in a rural (country) area in North Carolina and I find that out of Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint, AT&T gives me the best signal usage here. I used to have a Nextel on Sprint, and it was worse than my iPhone on AT&T. Verizon might be better, but I still can't get a signal in my house; It repels cell tower

Sprint and HTC really hit its first 4G smartphone out of the park. I'm an iPhone user, but the HTC Evo (along with the Droid phones) are getting some great brand recognition and are taking Android to the next level. Hopefully they'll soon have enough supply to meet demand.

I can see this getting out of control if it becomes popular to use. I wonder what the quality of the apps will be. If novice user created content on the web is any indication, then we're doomed...doomed I tell you! DOOMED!

In. Ter. Est. Ing.

@BadPlasmid: Don't you just hate it when people add their own opinions into direct quotes?

@Lord_Data: I could see older people with impaired vision using those.

What did they do? Pee in the sink?

Mr. Martin Cooper...I disagree.

Dude, have you HEARD of Google Maps or MapQuest?

It's not "50 Cent". It's Fiddy Cen'.