
Is that Denzel Washington?

Here's a rendering I made if this ever came to fruition.

@fysician: What I find most funny about this whole thread, it that most people like one brand or the other in a very shallow and stuck-up way. In fact, the market can support multiple phone makers successfully. Why be so shallow about it when in the end, the employees of these companies are just trying to get a


@Helvetica: Only if you had a signal which means a call would never get out.

@ehed: I agree, especially if it was at the right price. I could see something like this as an iPod Touch Micro.

That thing as a watch would be AWESOME. I would buy it if it had FaceTime!

I still love playing Touch Grind on my iPhone. Great game, but needs an update.

The fact that Android's on multiple devices and that its market share has risen is nothing new and it's a GREAT strategy. All of these OS/devices will continue to thrive. Even if apple isn't on top doesn't mean it can't be successful. Same goes for any of these hardware/software makers.

3D really needs to die. I am sick of this trend that comes and goes. You'd think they would learn by now that noone will buy a $3,000 3DTV just to watch movies...in 3D.

You can also use it as a bendy straw and drink pina colada's.

Like, OH MY GOSH, like my totally good friends used to say, like, the same thing! Like, HELLO? This head isn't empty...it's like, totally filled with stuff, yeah, like.

Patent this suckers!

And THAT, my friend, is why you DO NOT download stuff from a site called "Pirate Bay".

Now I can take a carbon fiber dump while playing on my Carbon Fiber coated iPhone.

I can't wait for Firefox 4.

@Ravennl: Technically he didn't turn the earth's rotation around, actually, he traveled back in time using super speed powers. That's what it was representing.