
@lankysob: No stinkin' way that's real.

What happened to the CAMERA PHONE PHOTO CONTEST??? It was never posted!!!

@aek8: The release I mean

And now...a poem...

Went and saw it last night. Terrible movie. Shyamalan didn't know how to make this movie. Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings did a great job of making a cohesive epic storyline spanning across the globe, but Shyamalan destroyed this movie. No character developement, horrible story telling (most of the time you don't

@Travis Gohr: But it's a different antenna design and hence they had to change how it displays bars.

Cool. The oil spill isn't he only thing polluting waters. Now we have Atomic Oranges. Way to go nuclear weapons!

If wet, slimy crap was in the form of a movie...it would be The Last Airbender.

My wife and I watched this tonight. Horrible. Watch the cartoon if you want the good stuff. I really like the cartoon. This movie sucked so much, that I hope M. Night Shamylan dies.

I just crapped my pants. Fantastic.

How lame. There are separate email apps for Gmail and then everyone else. Now there's a yahoo one. Yuck.

Great! My wife and I are seeing it this afternoon! I'm ashamed! Yay!

You're holding that thing wrong! It's supposed to be held in a way I call "twinkle fingers".

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Well, I haven't been for a teeth cleaning in 4 years and all I drink is soft drinks. It's no wonder I have them but they're not on the tooth; They're between my teeth where Mr. Toothbrush doesn't reach and only flossing does (and that's a crapshoot; I never floss).

I'm 27 y/o and I have never had cavities. I brush well twice a day. I just went to the dentist. They just said I had 8 cavities and I have to get fillings for all of them. Stupid Pepsi.

@lankysob: a la Lala-ified is my new favorite saying...if I could ever say it.

Come on, Steve! You can do better than that. If I owned an iPhone 4 I would feel better if you just said that there are problems instead of dismissing them as rubbish. This is making me lose faith in Apple as well.

Doesn't aluminum block signals? ...and it's right over the antenna. Someone didn't think this one through.