
Heh heh...balls...heh...

Now playing

I would probably use my 3GS as a glorified iPod Touch. Basically use it around the house as was demonstrated in this video...except with an iPhone instead of iPad.

Now playing

I'll use my 3GS as a glorified iPod Touch; Basically use it around the house wherever I need it like this iPad Velcro video except with my iPhone.

IT'S TOMORROW! So...winners? Hello?! Is this thing on?

Microsoft just can't make a GOOD product anymore. Everything they've done the past couple years is just "enough" for them to stay in the market. They've lost touch with the market today and it will cost them just as this "kin" thing did.

The next graphic design contest should be who can design the best home screen iphone wallpaper.

Oh, HARDY HAR HAR, Mr. Laugh Funnykins.

I guarantee someone will come along and throw a rock at it sometime. How much Windex do they use in a day?

Why is she letting him run around naked in the first place?

But...but you left out the Playstation Move!!!

That's no moon...it's a space station.

@erawsd: Here's mine with a folder open. I'm so anal about what wallpaper I use. I went through 4 wood textures and 15 color revisions until I found what I really wanted.

@erawsd: Here's what I'm using. For my lock screen I'm using a sand texture. Goes well together.

I love this. I wonder what else people can whip up. Maybe marionette strings hanging the apps?

You better clean that spill up or you're grounded!

Dat's a might fancy drawin'. I gonna get me one uh dose.

*crosses fingers* Please be available for iPhone 3GS. I was crushed when iMovie wasn't available for it!

Why don't they make a game using true physics where you have to make a contraption using tubes and fans, cones and caps, etc. and see if it will work. The XBox has enough horsepower for those kind of physics, so why not?

Told ya they don't listen to Gizmodo anymore.

@Boots_Mcoy: Absolutely. That would make it....err..nevermind.