@jsmuli2: Not. True.
Dude, I totally wanted that iPhone 4! Why did you shoot it?
It was opposite day in Cupertino.
@RainyDayInterns: You're right. You better go get one right now!
Why does a post completely about Android still have a story about Apple somewhere in it? Ugh.
Like I've said multiple times, I NEVER buy first generation ([of the new design]) hardware from Apple. I love their products, but they can never seem to get it right at launch. My 3GS contract doesn't expire til next year; I'll wait until then and get the iPhone 5 with new super hard metal casing technology and mega…
Shouldn't iPhone 3G users be able to upgrade by now? It doesn't make sense that you're still hanging on to a two year old relic when you can upgrade to the far superior iPhone 4.
Dang AT&T get yo act together.
@ACEACEACE: I thought this comment was relevant seeing as how it's a post about an iPhone BREAKING. Plus, most people like Otterbox.
@FriarNurgle: No it was a misalignment of the earths magnetic poles.
@nbsmatambo: *Psssssssss....it's a conspiracy*
@Go Vols!: I'm astonished that you're astonished at this astonishment.
ATTENTION: Otterbox now has iPhone 4 cases! They will be available soon.
@Hairy Putter: Yeah, seriously. At least put screen shields on the front and back!
Even my iPhone 3GS would break if I dropped it on rocky asphalt that many times. Any phone would.