
Don't have an iPhone, so I'll just ask: does it cover Aeropress?

@MikeMcKenzy: I'll bet dogs cost more than $14/hour TSA screeners.

@Bs Baldwin: 75% of Americans think this is the best country on Earth. 78% don't have a passport. Coincidence?

Definitely not "sharing" this on FB. My daughter's on there, and she still thinks the dresser and desk I made for her are cool.

Look at the crowds in any metropolitan airport during the holidays, and imagine a large suitcase filled with explosives and how many people standing in line could be killed.

Breaking News: TSA hiring defrocked Catholic priests!

Already been done.

Believe it or not, you can actually make a good living at this!

@ps61318: Yes, liked the music a lot. So tired of videos with really obnoxious sound tracks. Is there, like, some website where people have to go to get obnoxious video music?

Nice. Would love to see my lady in this, dancing all night at Burning Man. I'd even carry the backpack for her. In fact, I'd kind of get off on that, being physically connected to her all night long, pumping that magical fluid through her magical dress. Just be sure to add some heaters to warm the fluid, cuz, ya know,

Of course, like having a dead battery and jumper cables, you could always ASK, couldn't you? "Excuse me, I've got a flat. I've patched it and all I need is enough air to get to the nearest gas station." I, for one, would say sure. (And let me check out that cool thing you made off Instructables!)

An interesting thing about the Ames Window that I didn't see mentioned is that it only works on people in "carpentered" societies. People who live in round huts, igloos, tipis, etc. (i.e., they aren't surrounded by rectangles all the time) aren't confused by it.

When Kitty's attempt to burn down the house was foiled, Kitty hacked into Human's computer and downloaded kitty porn. [boingboing.net]

Silly me. I was expecting the final scene from Lifeforce.

This might encourage the SUVs to give me a little more room on the shoulder!

Lucky thing he hit the back of a pickup truck. If it had been a van, the Giz headline would have been "Ninja Biker Vanishes Into Thin Air After Being Slammed By Truck."

@D.LYTE: I had a roommate with a lab/newfoundland mix. Your comment on jowls reminded me how any time Cymba got wet, we all ran - not to avoid the water, but the slobber flying off as she shook!