
No. It shows the probability of an accident increasing as a vehicle deviates from the average speed. It does not show an increase in actual accident rates as velocity increases. In other words, if you go slower than the average flow of traffic on the highway you're just as likely to be involved in a multi-vehicle

If Speed were the main reason for death, then racing would not exist because ALL the drivers would have crashed at high speed from time to time.

Having spent a ton of time in Michigan, including driving from the Ohio border to the Traverse City area and back in the past two weeks, I can tell you that Michigan basically lets you drive as fast as you want on their decrepit, pothole-filled highways. 85mph is the norm throughout the state and I only saw two state

A very light metallic blue-silver can look good, but they're so uncommon now.

They may be "that way" inside, but the anonymity and distance of the internet — and the greatly lessened chance of a fist in the eye — emboldens their inner assbag in a major way.

Sadly hatred festers in anything with an online connection to other people. If your toaster had a screen with a forum devoted to it, you'd be reading people berating you for making your toast wrong.

Xbox Live just called from county. It needs bail money again...

Dale Earnhardt, Jr.: [Crashes into wall at 200 mph]

I thought michael meant a person got strapped onto a zonda, but nooooo, it's just a stupid gopro :(

It's not being an armchair general, it's being a congruent human being. You can suck all that media bullshit that Hamas is using always human shields, and hey they may do it, but look at the kill count of palestinians and tell me israelis are not some fucked up human beings. There is no excuse for having so many

Military training is required of all young people in Israel though? I'm not sure how much it amounts to in the end.

Hmnn...how do you think, he's a muslim? His religion isn't stated in the linked article Because his name is Ali?

Welp, it's official. World War Z has begun

I think you've just open the bickering comments gate... I'll just sit over here and prepare some popcorn...

Don't worry Gal, Benjamin Netanyahu will kill all of the women and children, and Hamas will have no place left to hide.

I was just thinking what this thread needs is a discussion about Israel among people who know next to nothing about it.

Wonder Woman has views on war in real life, too—she posted this at Facebook:

To quote one of my male friends after seeing this pic: "That's Wonder Woman? I've shit bigger than that."