
I happen to know he actually does have track insurance on this car (and that you really don't want to stand down wind of the car)

Looks like a normal GTAV landing.

Your move, dickface.

From my experience, that's the beam that sets off my radar detector when an asswipe in a fancy car tailgates me.

We'll miss you. lol jk, good luck!

This is the saddest similar story I've ever read:

It's Walt and Mike's love child.

True... But since air travel is used less frequently than the automobile you get an (irrational) that could have been me feeling! I was also onboard an identical 777 when MH17 was shot down, and I was on another 777 just days before MH370... Oh God, maybe it's all connected to me????? /joking!


BRB, just going to try and set some lap records in gran turismo while crying.

Damnit, Torch.

That is a touching story.

Oh baby...

Because it 'bumps' them up in the rankings

No "Shit'll buff out." comments?

Jalopnik has completely lost its way.

So like did I miss the memo about the whole world self destructing this week or something?