
I would never, ever, consider calling my husband “pooh bear.” And he’s a hairy, chubby guy with a sweet tooth, so it’s not like it wouldn’t be an apt nickname, I just can’t with the icky cutesy nicknames for someone you’re supposedly sexually attracted to.

(We all know Kim is not sexually attracted to Don Jr.)

I do find it odd that she chose as a nickname a candy that’s brown on the outside, white on the inside

Pooh Bear and Junior Mint

Does anyone else think she bears a striking resemblance to Melania in that picture?

Fucking figures.

Can we not with the “Casting Couch”? I feel like now that we are faced with how fucking horrible the actual casting couch is/was for actresses, we shouldn’t use that as an insult.

She’s here to remind him of the mess he left when he went away.

can we not. please. just let these losers fade into the background of the shit inferno that is our country.

Please, come to the light!!!

So, you’re going to honestly sit here and tell me-- in front of God and Jesus and Beyonce-- that those two white women are not the same person? Ok, nice try. Sure, Jan. 

I never really thought about Alanis’ age when she wrote that, being that I only truly discovered Alanis when I was in my late teens in the mid-2000s, but that makes a whole lot of sense! Haha

It’s remarkably passive aggressive. Let’s release the baby names that we chose together-- now you cannot chose those baby names with any other mate. She’ll know and I’ll know and you’ll know that the name you loved was chosen with us first. 

I was apparently incorrect and he is dating a moddle.  Yes, I know I spelled that wrong, but in my world they are moddles, not models. 

The couple isn’t being mocked here; it’s the fact that it is someone’s job to put together a timeline of their relationship down to iced beverage runs. 

For years when I was younger I thought she was singing, “The cross-eyed bear that you gave to me.” I figured it was some sort of meaningful reference to a weird gift he gave her.

I assume this tweet is Dunham’s way of saying,you said you’d love me until you die, ‘till you die, BUT YOU’RE STILL ALIVE!.”

sounds like a dessert i couldnt afford from a trendy bakery