
In high school, mid 90's, i would get hand me downs from my older cousin, one of which was an XL Bart Simpson t shirt with the Toyota logo with Bart skateboarding and yelling, ‘Ay Corolla!’ written on the front (my cousin’s husband worked for Toyota). I tossed it because it was certainly not cool to this 16 year old

in middle school after Shaggy got big, i got a t-shirt that said ‘It Wasn’t Me’ on it and honestly i’ve stayed up at night, 31 years old now, thinking about how much i regret that decision.

On the other hand i definitely wish i still had my Kony 2012 tshirt

I was not a fan of the prequels but I agree with you that they were at least trying something new... problem being that even there, Lucas felt the need to rely on certain tropes. Jedi vs Jedi, R2D2 and C3PO, galactic war, etc.

Cool. Thanks for that, Deepak Chopra.

The problem is... The Last Jedi wasn’t very good. But it wasn’t very good because it was Star Wars.

This is the internet in the year of our Lord 2,018. A poisoned soul is the price of admission.

No thanks. This show already went on for 2 (arguably 4) seasons too many. I recently watched season 1, and it was a far more grounded, realistic show. It’s quiet and you actually hear phones ringing and people working. I’m not sure exactly when it spiraled out of control (I’m thinking around the S3 merger), but I

Makes it a hell of a lot harder to find. 

“How dare you not be tolerant of our intolerance!”

It was probably worth it to hear all the silly “SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT” takes where breaking a star is too much but calling all immigrants animals and taking away LGBTQ rights is fine.

Trump’s rumored fear of stairs

honestly, this demolished star is urban renewal all of us can get behind

It’s cathartic.

It brought a smile to my face, so it’s good enough for me even if it doesn’t do anything actually efficacious.

John Krasinski strikes me as the type of upper-class Ivy League tool who bumps into you and goes “Sorry, big guy.”

I thought my dislike of Jim was a hot take, but from what I’m seeing it appears to not be as hot as I thought it was.

Does anybody else think it’s kind of odd when people say things like they wonder what some fictional character is up to, as if they’re referring to a real person?

Jim was only a bully to Dwight, an awful person who makes everyone’s lives worse, so who cares. But yeah Jim was a dick.

Has anyone ever written a thinkpiece about the differences between the British and American Offices and what they tell us about our notions of work and capitalism?

Jim is a bully and a dick. He probably has been off somewhere doing that.