
The internet killed the movie star period. Obviously, they still exist, see Dwayne Johnson, but if you can see a star any day of the week, with streaming videos, YouTube and tmz, you don’t need to shell out big bucks for a glimpse of your favorite every year or so  

They said that shit about an all black super hero movie too. Sooo...,

Lol you shot that shit down!! Full blown murder. I love it.

You didn’t sound mean. Haha. I just took your first comment overly seriously. :D

Haha I totally did. Whoops. But thanks for the advice. :p

True. But Paris Hilton is still rich. You get to a certain level of richness and you seem to big to fail. I think we don’t disagree though, just maybe talking about different kind of things. 

Ehhh. I don’t know if I agree. That sounds nice but I just mean a lot of people that were given tons of advantages and yeah, did get in trouble, but since their parents had the resources to make sure it didn’t screw up their life they’re fine now and don’t see all the privileges that they were given.

Awww poor doggos. 

Yesss exactly. I’m assuming most of these people who like them don’t live in densely populated areas. The car alarms alone are enough to drive you mad. 

Haha. I think having a robust media and one that cares more about actually journalism and not just attending the right cocktail parties makes a world of difference. 

Oh shit is that your vape? That happened twice with two of mine that were like 60 bucks. 

Oh good. And same girl. Hugs. 

How odd. But I can’t judge ANYONE as I’m an American. 

That makes total sense but she came on midway through and the music was so different to the other dancers and I was hella feeling it. 

*hugs* I struggle with alcohol too. I just stopped the really hard drugs mainly due to extenuating circumstances.

That’s so amazing that you got to meet her.

Aww, Haley mills, I love her. Admittedly, I know nothing of her life, she’s just so iconic from her Disney roles to saved by the bell.

I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about. I think the OP was just saying it was a good gag. 

Thank you! Honestly I’m still struggling with some rx substances so I feel a bit weird accepting congrats though, but I didn’t get into all that.

Hahaha, live your truth, girl.