
It’s at this point I should add that soon after moving back to India I became acquainted with one of the many infamous cliches. I was driving home past this school that’s famous for being the largest in Asia. Basically it’s mayhem with buses, kids and parents. Stuck in traffic I look across and basically find a row of

I (too) was riding the L train one warm Summer morning on my way to work. It was as average a morning as could be with a full load of people on that particular car. Directly to my right was an elderly lady who was probably around 75 years old. Across from me was a Latin family with four children, the youngest being

I was in Atlanta on business and took MARTA instead of renting a car. I had the worst head cold of my life and could not smell anything. I was coughing up a storm. About 5 minutes in to my ride I noticed people were staring at me strange, almost with fear. This went on for about two stops until a nice Asian lady came