Amazing. A person who doesn't like people who "belittle" trans people yet in the very next statement writes something that is incredibly belittling to trans people. Holy fucking shit.
Amazing. A person who doesn't like people who "belittle" trans people yet in the very next statement writes something that is incredibly belittling to trans people. Holy fucking shit.
A smaller secondary point to the one you raised: I also found this really reductive and insulting to men who are married, have children and are not abusive monsters. The implication that the only reason they're caring and loving spouses and fathers is because of a government contract is pretty gross.
I used to work at a crisis center for people who experienced domestic violence and we received ~28,000 calls per year. It wasn't even a big city. But I guess those 28,000 calls must have all been unwed whores who were asking for it or something. Now we have to hide behind a man in order to be protected from violence,…
The only thing that stops a bad guy with the patriarchy is a good guy with the patriarchy.
Okey doke, I'll just head down to the husband store and pick one up. Because we all have a line of suitors who want to marry, love and protect us from other men.
How very nice to know that when I was 15 and my father was molesting me, it was because someone somewhere had taken a lover and not gotten married(never mind that my parents were married to each other). How very polite of these fucking POS morons to mansplain that to me. FUCK!!! I am so many different shades of pissed…
Is the Washington Post like the Thought Catalog now where any stupid idea gets published? They used to be better than this.
For things like this is why the SlutWalk was invented... and feminism. Honestly what is wrong with these people D:
Ah yes - someone should have reminded (asshole alchie male relative) that as a husband he was supposed to PROTECT his wife and children - not kick the crap out of them after stumbling home from "work". Just a little sticker on the fridge or a post-it note with that helpful reminder would have made all the difference…
I feel like I am having a heart attack. Like I thought, "nah, clickbait..." But it just got worse as I read on. And now I'm hyperventilating at my desk at work.
I words. Only Jack.
Somebody needs to tell this to all those beaten and abused married women in Afghanistan. The married biological fathers over there didn't get the memo.
I want to buy her a drink.