That's One Fast Cat

While you make a compelling argument, my wife was someone’s first love at some point, and I refuse to stop doing terrible, horrible things to her because of that love.

$900 should be throw away money, but this truck has not one redeemable quality. It won’t be a fun driver and may not have $900 (+a tow) of salvageable parts.Nobody is looking for a 100 HP inline six, and everulything else is either broken, cobbled together or available online for dirt cheap. CP.

NP!!! Sub $1k to start.. and you know he’ll knock another 2-hun 3-hundo off since it’s been sitting for a dozen years and he can’t fix it. This is screw it, why not money. Plus the paint job is cool

Not when you carefully coordinate your first work poop with NPOCP publishing

Bondo, James Bondo.

This is probably one of the most tasteful and well executed Euro tuners I’ve seen. I commend the seller/constructor. I’d have fun with it for an afternoon or two. Ultimately I’d get tired of answering questions about a car I didn’t build, and the novelty would wear off. Awesome car, cooler than James Dean in a walk in

Rather than purchase a car from either company, you can now invest directly in the Saleen-Hennessey Investment Trust (SHIT). There’s no more efficient financial instrument for disposing of unwanted capital.

People need to understand Saleen just blinks in and out of existence at will. They’re not bound by conventional corporate finances in much the same way as electrons don’t obey Newtonian mechanics.

As a prior owner of a 95 with the 2.3t, CP at any price. it’s more like the Amy Fisher edition with that engine.

Oh my, yes. Logic just went out the window. BONERbonerBONERbonerBONERBONERBONER. Boner. I has one.

Oh lovely. It’s being used as a limo.

This is good shade, intentional or not.