
if it took me ten minutes of head-scratching to figure out how to use ello, then it'll take my parents a week to figure out how to use it

did he died

good god i am hungry

One of the Quinn is doing with her chip is giving out free Steam codes with it—and naturally, as you can see in the video above, she opted for Deus Ex, the cyberpunk role-playing game. It's kind of perfect.

This sounds dumb, but lightning generally comes from the ground up. Putting your heels together will reduce risk much much more than the method you suggest.

i'm reporting you to the cops for being an idiot

Models in high fashion are generally unusual looking because shows are supposed to show off, you know, the clothes, not a model's fantastic looks.

"i'm a nerd who isn't into fashion therefore it isn't a legitimate art"

my point was that the phrase "do sex" is awkward and unconventional

baby's first raw denim

"do more sex"

"do more sex"