
This sentence:

It’s low for about 40-50 guys.

As someone whose dad’s name is Bruce, that episode has made me laugh for almost 30 years. 

Real ones recognize Zach and Kelly (and Jeff, that asshole).

Carmy didn’t deserve Claire. 

I’m finally playing WOTL (well, a hacked version at least) this winter and I gotta say, I prefer the original dialogue. The Olde English just reads extremely stupid.

Truly remarkable that the company that started so strong with Asylum and City has done nothing but fuck up since then.

There have been too many Youtubers whose gaming opinions I generally pay attention to lavish praise on the game for it not to be legit.

Welp, so much for that!

After about 20 hours, Baldur’s Gate 3.

Want to like it, but I hate the interface on console, and somehow hate it more on PC.

Doing yourself a disservice if you’ve let the last 14 years go by without having watched Spartacus or Black Sails. 

Now playing

No one can top Adele, but this is damn good.

Was mostly out on the series after the first season, but look, you give me Joseph Morgan in some genre TV and I’m going to watch.

The absolute FUCK I will check out The Sound of Freedom. 

Lots of good calls in this comment section, but the best sequel is Street Fighter 2.

Everything else is just hunting for 2nd place.

Yea, Gamergate fucks are literally everywhere. 

For sure. Best fast food burgers around. 

Those of us within a stone’s throw of a Culver’s know that chain restaurants’ cheese curds can be a joy

I’ve become the opposite over the last couple years and Game Pass is the pretty easy reason why. Because there’s just so much stuff to play on Xbox it’s become my default gaming machine. The PS5 only gets turned on for the big exclusives.

The West Wing’s two parter, “In the Shadow of Two Gunmen” is probably the season two opener high bar for me. You get answers to who got shot, as well as full flashbacks to how the Bartlett administration came to be.