Gorilla Sakk

Many people here are asking “How can you boycott something you already paid for”. To answer this question you first need to understand how this all works.

I always laugh whenever someone brings up boycotting something. A vocal minority at that makes it even funnier. Also, how can you boycott something you already paid money for? I’m more than certain these same people paid 60 dollars full price at launch and more than likely have spent even more on micro

Regardless of how hot he is and how well he dances he still deserves to be called a piece of shit period.

I wonder how interesting Call of Duty: The American Revolution would be, especially if you had to actually reload your musket while not dying every time you fire a shot.

Regardless of what he’s done in his past he still deserves a yet another chance period.

“I enjoy Black-ish and I will still support the show” 

This has to bother him the most. He wants so badly to be respected and revered but he never will be, not in the way the Obamas are. To top off the fact that Barack won’t rise to his goading and it makes him look like the crazy, petty asshole he is. Keep twisting that knife Barry you’re the only one who can.

A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.

Can we just start calling this the best game ever? This gets released on time, with basically no bugs, and is essentially a huge physics sandbox.

Somebody you love in the game will probably die though, leading to the reasons he stopped being a part of the gang. They aren’t going to let you be happy.

Yay, he won’t die at the end!

Notoriously closed...you mean like the other 2 consoles or anything Apple? Nintendo is doing what enough other companies do regularly.

The answer is not Trump. The answer is the Juice. In fact there is no question.

This is also a good Miyamoto story.

It’s no wonder that Miyamoto started playing Zelda and just began climbing trees.

Unless you are really gunning for Splatoon 2 or any of the indies coming this spring/summer, probably no harm in waiting till Mario comes to get a Switch, especially since there might be a better deal or pack-in by that point.

I mean Caitlyn used her transtition to make more money than she already had, scoop up awards that she really didn’t deserve, and exploit all that into a TV show(oh and she also killed someone with car), but we are cool with that. Rachel went all out, not to be famous, just because it was something she wanted and she

Yep, he IS the POTUS, and he’s doing an absolute shit job at it

So what you’re saying is Mrs. Ancona is single?

It’s easy: