Gorilla Sakk

What are the odds that he could name five more black people, living or deceased?

What makes it all the better is they only keep finding voter fraud among Trump supporters. Including half his fucking cabinet and family being registered in two states.

2003: Rumsfeld orders intelligence agencies to gather evidence to prove Iraq has WMD.

He has actually diminished the prestige of the office of the President of the United States.

I think you maybe missed the point of her op-ed which was, succinctly, that she has chosen to embrace an ignorant, self-obsessed charlatan of a political figure because someone threw an egg at her once.

Ssshhh. His “alternative facts” say otherwise, doncha know?

At the top of the list is the “America First Energy Plan,” which explains how the new President will work to eliminate the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule, among other things.

I really appreciate the fact that Jim Sterling contributes to stuff like this happening on Steam. Some people think he’s obnoxious, but even then, he’s very committed (maybe even overly-committed) to calling out bullshit when he sees it.

alternate headline:

I love that he backed up his assertion that Mexico would pay for it with “believe me.”

The correct word isn’t naivity or stupidity. It’s bias. Bias is hugely powerful and it affects all of us. But if you’re willing to admit bias affects you, you can limit the power it has over you.

Yeah the feigned innocence is getting old.

Feel free to substitute the words “evil” or “selfish” for stupid as well.

Right. I sort of don’t like casting Trump supporters as naive. You had to be willfully ignorant to not get the agenda Trump and Co. were pushing. You had to cling to your stupidity with tenacity, basically putting your hands over your ears and screaming “nah nah nah, I can’t hear you” while the rest of us desperately

Every headline should be Trump supporters: stupid as fuck.

There’s also no way I can buy one copy of it without pissing everyone else off.

How the fuck is THIS what you take away from this?

Pretty awesome. I just hope his life at home is stable enough for him to actually use it. I used to volunteer at a after school program, and so many kids/teens were there because their parents/guardians were negligent or abusive. I can just imagine him going home, and having his parents say, “You didn’t pay for that!”

What I meant was a singular moment (which I’ve changed accordingly) - in other words, there’s nothing as mind-blowing as that one twist in Dual Destinies. But there are definitely good twists, and the fifth case does a nice job of tying everything together, as is tradition.