Gorilla Sakk

Every single Zelda since and including Majora’s Mask has been good. Varying degrees of good, but still good. Don’t be so extreme.

Ahem. Wind Waker would like a word with you. That was the last great console Zelda. Majora’s Mask is arguably the better game, but no Zelda since has captured the series’ sense of adventure and freedom as good as WW.

... Many of them are, yes.

Entirely different.

With a lot of games, I agree with you. But with a game like GTA5, that aimed to represent a real-life city, it’s pretty awesome.

Check the website. The game just got updated and secretly re-posted for dl. =D

Go to the pirate bay, there are at least 3 torrents of AM2R (I know because I am seeding them)

PD on XBLA was actually pretty fantastic... the only thing that sucked about it was that the control scheme for the original N64 game didn’t age as well as I had hoped. But it remained totally faithful to the original and was about as pure of a remastering as you can get... basically just textures, models, sounds, and

it on xbox just re label

AM2R can still be found.

Eh, if anyone wanted to C&D this, it would have happened waaaay back when XBLA Goldeneye still had a faint chance of getting released. This mod’s been around a long time.

It makes me so happy that they have nachos at most movie theaters. Popcorn has its place, but oh, delicious cheesy nachos I love you.

I had been planning on saving this for SNS, but here’s a dick in a box for hijacking purposes.

I want nachos and hot dogs. Also, I’m not motivated at work currently.

Yes, too bad a game company that knows how to sell hundreds of millions of consoles hasn’t released *cough*PSP*cough* any high powered handheld consoles *cough*Vita*cough* to compete against Nintendo’s underpowered, gimmicky handheld.

Oglaf! It is a NSFW webcomic. A bit pornographic, always hilarious:

I was gonna write “inb4 all the ignorant and racist bullshit” but there’s already a “fuck off” comment, so I guess I’m too late.

Is it because of Force Awakens that the multiplayer had barebone content, and that you still sold your game at 60 bucks.

In my opinion, this is the greatest looking console in history. Then again, I love colorful weird things. Sleek black boxes are fine and all but they get so boring.