
*Milwaukee Journal Sentinal

In their minds, they have to view themselves as the target of oppression though, right? Their logic has to be that Remini and and others are the KKK analog, not them.


"He has your father's eyes."
"Gomez, take those out of his mouth."

I enjoy this feature, but I was a little ambivalent about this installment at first since the questions and responses are often decidedly fluffy. I'd prefer to read a deeper discussion with Ira Glass. Much to my satisfaction, this has to be the most rewarding "11 questions" I've read. Five stars.

God, dining in at fast food restaurants is just the worst. I'm not trying to have an audience when I'm partaking in that sort of self-flagellating activity.

It doesn't sound like something you opt in to as a young poor person. I don't have kids. Or money.

See, those perceived limitations on her personal freedoms are something I wonder about. I may have missed something, but the article didn't seem to touch on any freedoms that she's currently denied.

I'm not going to argue that the interpretation doesn't fit within the confines of Deleuzian thought, but this sort of reading doesn't really reveal anything substantial about the film itself. Interpretation via extended metaphor is lazy, and you can pretty much apply the formula to an infinite amount of symbols (e.g.

Can someone elaborate on how a record that was produced at a West Hollywood studio qualifies as DIY?

You're probably right. I guess I haven't really heard an adult mention either of those movies since college. So maybe its just a time and a place thing. I'm trying to think of more recent films that spurred that kind of resentment in me. I could see The Counselor entering this thread some years from now, but even that

My friend recently coined the term "frat house cinema," which isn't really concerned with things like Old School or Animal House but more so the crappier r-rated indulgences that masquerade as art house cinema.
The two pillars of this sort of taste, for me, are Boondock Saints and Donnie Darko. I am fond of a lot of

If I've heard correctly, she doesn't say that Hermione should have ended up with Harry. Rowling just says that she shouldn't have ended up with Ron.