Andy D


The subaru system is brutal and pretty much unusable. Instead of linking up to your phone book it will only allow you to dial by number, so you need to know the number of the person you are calling...it works about 60% of the time and usually messes up the number. Even when i get someone on the phone, they can barely

Utilizing voice controls on a 2015 STi are like trying to instruct a deaf dog with down syndrome.

And it’s a convenient misapplication of facts! The CITY of St Louis is in the shit, and had been for a long time. The population and economic weight of the area, however, resides outside the city - in places like Clayton, U City, Ladue, Creve Coeur, and others. Does anyone genuinely think that Cardinals games are sold

Not a hoverboard. I mean, that other thing isn’t a hoverboard either, but this is not one of those things people are calling hoverboards that are not hoverboards, this is something else that is not a hoverboard. It’s a caster board.

The reviewer had a completely different reaction to this episode. I loathe the Malibu Gang. They’re just as bad as Tandy, except they don’t admit it to themselves. Phil tried to kill Tandy, and January Jones is a sadist.

In some parts of asia (moreso SE Asia) all sorts of drinks come in a bag, like juice, grass jelly and of course beer, they just ladle it into the bag and put a straw inside, hold it at the top in your fist and you sip and walk, pretty awesome if you want a drink fast like this Tsingtao guy, but I see no straw, idk