
No one saw this coming? Just because we all have the tools to make a game or level of Mario. Doesn’t mean we have the ingenuity or creative spirit and prices to make anything worth while playing. Plus if you think about it. The people over at Nintendo took months and years of planning for Mario games to get those

Simply amazing!!!

It’s always amazing to see how far we have come technology wise. Yet we still can’t over come situations like this. That are merely still being upheld because of tradition and solely tradition. When the rules or laws were created it may have had some merit or warrant. But in today’s world and society it is a old and

If ever a character or mascot needed a break. It’s this guy. I stopped playing Nintendo a long time ago. They didn’t seem to ever step out of their comfort zone. And are content in just reusing and in my opinion abusing the same limited stable of characters they have. They don’t push the envelope enough. They don’t

Wow I am sort of surprised to hear about this. I always thought machinima was a place for all gamers. I didn’t know they too fell prey to big corporate spending. Is there no integrity in anything anymore? The world is going to hell fast. And we are just helping it along.

Your logic is pretty strong. I never thought of it that way before. I will try to find reviewers on both ends of the spectrum. And use that for consistency. I used to just read or watch a bunch of different reviews and go off that. Seems like a fun game overall. I think the reviewer nit picked a little. Great post!!

Just wait and pick up a preowned version. That way konami doesn’t get your money. But you can still play the game. Shouldn’t be too long for a preowned to pop up :-) But I do like your standing up for what you think. I rebel the same way against EA and Madden :-)

Case by case basis. Do you know how many videos are uploaded everyday? Do you know how many copyright infringements they see a day? I think it’s easy to say do it on a case by case basis. But you aren’t the one paying for it.

Wrong. Their bs because the system they created to be fair to people’s IP’s is automated and can’t discern the difference. You can only complain if there was a better option presented and Google deliberately chose to not use it. Do you think they should personally review each upload? Do you think hey should be calling

Whoever wrote this doesn’t even watch football. He said Riley Cooper was their best wideout? He wasn’t even on first team in preseason. Wtf??? I am hoping you were trying to be more funny than factual. If not you’re a shitty writer who doesn’t understand the words they wrote on the screen. Do a little bit of research

That’s freaking amazing! I love video games. But it nowhere on his level. Lol! Kudos on the run bro!

Guess the manger should have done a better job and read and understood the terms of service. Why have a manger who isn’t proactive? And why call everyone else stupid and assert that only they know what funny is?

To be fair. 800,00 followers online. Is like 5 friends in real life. Following someone on twitch isn’t devoting your life over to that person. And chances are that same follower follows plenty of others on twitch or YouTube etc... So its really not exclusive of a big deal as you think. If they actually showed up in

Said the bully’s sibling...

Exactly! When has it become customary to trash other cultures for not knowing our language entirely. Especially for a broadcast that wasn’t aired in America? I think it’s a case of racism and bullying honestly. I despise making fun of people for something so trivial. It’s exactly how bullying starts. It starts off

A fail? Do you think the word honky is a deragatory statement? Lol! Grant it its not the exact way we would use the word. But since when has it become fun to make fun of other cultures shortcomings of a non native language? Do you drive by the school with immigrants who are learning English and make fun of them? It

The one thing I really dislike and downright hate about reviews is that the reviewer often forgets that it is their opinion. And not a matter of fact. Reviewers always seem to talk or speak as if on high from a mountain like they are smarter than everyone else and know what everyone likes and dislikes with movies.

Why care if it is a world premiere trailer or not. Just enjoy for what it is...

honestly think you are all asking for a lot. Especially considering you all only pay $50 a year for the service and get about probably $800-1,000 worth of free games a year. The only thing you can ask for that kind of trade off is for the psn to be up and running so people can get online. Outside of that you are all

Then your dumb butt should have used more sense in initially creating your name. Why pick something you would be ashamed of later? How about you think in advance as much as you are telling Sony to!