Dr Tubesteak

I can't stand for this Spirit Tracks hate!

This is obviously another hoax.

Huh, I had expected more vitriol and xenophobia, what with it being 2ch and all...

Overdue? The WiiU's barely been out a year! N64 and GameCube didn't get Zelda titles til they were already two years deep.

It's coming. I'm not buying a WiiU until it comes, but I know it's coming.

Relax, buddy, everything's going to be okay.

I see this Keighley/McHale/Reggie clip as one big metaphor for the 'damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't' treatment Nintendo has gotten from the core gamers ever since the GameCube days.

True, but it's that passion that stops him from simply going the same directions that the majority of the community has gone kind of extreme on.

well that's a little inflammatory...


Really? I don't see them anywhere in these comments...

unrelated, but... is your username a Beck reference?

I agree. Seeing people who have already gained a following bag on people trying to find their voice is really depressing...

I also get depressed when they try to convince me that New Super Mario Bros is as good as the classic games. Just...no.

I'm noticing a trend...

Dojima dancing in that gif is probably the greatest thing ever

At this point, I'm waiting for the inevitable "Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?" error

I don't think "oppressed" is the word to use there. The world is a big place, and no one really has the time or energy to be an expert on any culture. Hell, I'm only as informed as I am because I'm a curious wikipedia addict born-and-raised in America's most diverse county.

I don't think "oppressed" is the word to use there. The world is a big place, and no one really has the time or energy to be an expert on any culture. Hell, I'm only as informed as I am because I'm a curious wikipedia addict born-and-raised in America's most diverse county.

Hold on... Japan literally allied with the guy who killed 6 million Jews in Europe (based entirely on their race) AND attacked one of our military bases completely out of the blue before we had even entered the war... and somehow we're the oppressors?

Listen, I love Japan's history and unique creative output as much as