
I find in general the only way to “know” these days how anything in media has done is to watch future decisions. Streaming, DVR, on demand, live, Netflix, season passes etc make it almost impossible to know how a TV show is doing. Comic books are the same way with direct, newsstand, digital, digital subscription,

This list needed Transformers: Lost Light.  It closed out the run this year with a surprisingly well done final arc.  It’s been a consistently great book that was ignored because of its connection to the Transformers brand.

Mobile is the format everyone is going to be paying attention to as it’s the most accessible.  Everyone nowadays is carrying a smart phone, only limited amounts of people are buying consoles.  Mobile has also become a retro players dream.

Continuity reboots are always a chance to jump on as much as jump off.  I stopped buying Marvel after Hickman’s Secret War event and haven’t looked back.

I’m thinking they’ll integrate Caminus as a region on Cybertron right from the word go.  I’m not objecting as it gives my daughter someone she loves returning in the reboot.  I’d imagine Grimlock shows back up early too so my son will be happy too.

The transformers image isn’t of the Victorion combiner memebrs (the Torchbearers) but of the Camians who were featured in Lost Light.

With all of the “State of...” will there be a mobile category?  I know everyone looks down on mobile as a platform, but for the average person their smart phone is their gaming device.

Palpatine gets almost no characterization on screen either in the OT.  We get almost nothing on screen about Palpatine until the PT.  Snoke and Palpatine exist to be overcome.  I don’t mind them being mysterious boogeymen.

Rey being a nobody in terms of the Solo/Skywalker/Palpatine dynasties was the best of all possible outcomes.  Any other outcome requires either undermining existing characters or diminishing Rey.  I hope that sticks.

I don’t enjoy Watchmen because it works so hard to deconstruct, but does nothing to reconstruct. It’s all downside. Moore does have some great moments where his love of the silver age comes through.

The absence of that book here is disappointing. MTMTE and LL have been amazing and show what you can do with a listen see property.

This is impressive, but the actor isn’t the problem with Solo.  I actually thought he did a pretty fine job all things considered.  It’s the plot that just didn’t work.

Structure and plot wise I’d put Justice League up in the top 1/3 to 1/4 of superhero films in the years since Nolan’s trilogy. It’s a 40% film because it’s not executed well. It really needed a pushed back release date to fix the FX shots and tighten the editing.

I just don’t get the Holdo complaint that keeps coming up. Compartmentalization of information is pretty standard in insurgences and rebellions and even in the military from day to day. It seems out of place because Poe is our point of view character, but again, he was recently demoted. Of course he’s locked out.


A lot of that stuff would have bogged down the film, but is nice context to have. There’s a long tradition of the novels being important for understanding the movies in Star Wars. It sounds like this may be the most important novelization since Phantom Menace for understanding what went down.

I was thinking about this too. I’d imagine it took a while for the Empire to really realize what happened at Lothal. They lost the entire occupation force, the TIE Defender facilities, the blockade fleet, the Governor, and Grand Admiral Thrawn all in the space of less than a day.

By the time they realized, they were

It could be interesting, but the larger problem is this show should have ended a while back. And everyone wants to see Frank really and truly get his comeuppance.

You know, you want to feel bad for the board and the employees, but this feels like Enron all over again. Weinstein’s abuses were so numerous, and so well known that it is almost impossible to believe that anyone collecting a check from that company was 100% unaware of what was happening.

I’m with Mike here. I have the attention span, just not the time. I’m on a retro kick and have been playing a lot of older JRPGs on my phone that clock in at 20-30 hours. That takes close to a month, maybe a month and a half. Given I’m playing about 45 mins to an hour at a time, I need something a bit linear.

If you’re a long time Valiant fan, this is a bit unsettling. This reminds me of the infamous purchase of Valiant in the 90's by Acclaim for the purpose of making video games.

What was cool about Valiant was that it was being built up by fans of Valiant who’d literally bought up the rights from obscurity. This is not a