
D.B. Pooper

The craziest part of their conspiracy theory? That one person is responsible for all the animations in a AAA game.

The first time my mother met my father’s parents, his father answered the door nude and put on a porno during dinner.

I don’t know. I have a lot of respect for people who are out there, trying to do the right thing, trying to make smart decisions ... and have enough self awareness to realize what they can’t accomplish on their own and ask for help/advocate for themselves. Even if they do so “incessantly”.

That’s too much tiptoeing around. I’ve found that a simple “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?” works wonders. If that doesn’t get through to the small brain behind the thick skull, asking HR “Dude, what the fuck’s wrong with Anthony?” certainly will.

When Google leverages their autonomous car project, it will be worth billions.

I have a two step plan.

Oh. In that case, next month I’ll just pay my credit card bills with time.

This is especially true of kitchens in older homes. 100 or so years ago the kitchen was seen as a workspace. The female equivalent of the man’s workshop. They actually wanted the kitchen closed off. The idea of eating a family meal there would have seemed rather odd. But it needed to be ‘tied’ to many other parts of

That guy that says to take his time creating games? It’s valid criticism. His games aren’t terrible, but they need more polish. Spending more time working on it is all that’s needed, especially if you’re just learning.

This is from the current Pricing and Terms for the Amazon Rewards card:

We should start being worried. As an ardent scientific expert on Naruto Magic. N. Korea have obviously mastered not only the Sharingan but the black flames of Amaterasu as well.

Shoulda used those 99 megalixirs you had saved up in your inventory.

When we were house hunting, my husband and I looked at a house that had a hot tub in the kitchen. In. The. Kitchen. The rest of the house was great, and the location was perfect, but that inconceivable hot tub was a deal breaker. On our way out, the realtor stopped us to ask if we wouldn’t mind telling her why we

I came back to Civ. 5 about three months after Beyond Earth because the game just couldn’t compare. Its amazing how boring and poorly the game stacks up to its predecessor.

i need an article on how to deal with a military boss that goes home with their favorite slackers at 4:30pm while expecting you stay till 8pm every day to cover for their incompetence.

What a terrible article.

Good news: He’s no longer an alcoholic.