
Ugh, yeah, “Full Stack” needs to die in a fire.


Yeah, I guess if you love Apple software and you don’t mind paying through the nose to have someone fix your device, then Apple products are great, but for people like me who fix computers for a living, it’s extremely maddening when a clueless person buys one and then brings it to me asking me how to do something that

Yeah, I guess if you love Apple software and you don’t mind paying through the nose to have someone fix your device,

I’m sorry, two fucking years is not a long time for game development. This is being built from scratch, so they will have to spend a lot of time getting things implemented, let alone optimizing them. Just go back to the videos of any E3 were the game is launched two or three years later: the end result is widely

Wow, some of her other posts on this are really heartbreaking:

Sure, I pirate games all the time. I’m also an avid buyer of games, both digital and physical. I have no money issues preventing me from buying EVERY game if that’s what I actually wanted to do.

Undocumented goats being paid cents on the dollar, no doubt. Thanks Ollama.

I mean, was it not edible cheese though? Because I feel like a few Saturday farmer’s markets should take care of their overstock, no problem.

Pools are like boats. You don’t want one. You want a close friend that has one.

Last year a company called Wilbur and Wilbur associates (I believe) called me saying that I had been in car accident several months prior and the other person had filed a claim against my insurance and it was way over due. They represented collections agencies and were trying to get the money I owed. I (apparently)

Man I can’t wait for Fallout 4 - all the new mods DEAR LORD.

Now several young brides from Kilkenny

I’d like to emphasize the “practiced” part of this. I must have spent hours going up and down the stairs, finding all the sweet spots that made no noise, debating over whether or not to jump the last three because the banister would groan but then less risk of stair creaking, or maybe I should go over the banister and

I specifically remembering waiting with bated breath until I heard my mom snoring, creeping down the stairs (I had practiced this, stairs 2, 3, 7, and 11 were the creakiest, and staying towards the wall), going into the computer room and staying up all night playing Starcraft online, all while panicking if I even

I made a sign that said, “Sodomize me Jesus” and wore it around my High School during lunch in an effort to get suspended from school for a few days. Why? Midnight release of Oblivion was that night. I got three whole days to play it, no homework or anything to worry about.

I accidentally erased 10 hours of my cousin’s FFX game, so I replayed it up to exactly where he was, that night, without using any spheres.

I really hope a Nolan spin-off gets picked up by Netflix or something.

Do not get into MMORPG Games...