
Let’s just get something straight here, so that we’re all on the same page. It literally does not matter what the cause or group or idea is - if a company believes that supporting it will get their name out there and generate more business, then they will do it. If next year, people start hosting “kitten stomping”

Why not just DOOM with VR sight...? Why the hell do I suddenly have to teleport around instead of being able to use my keyboard controls?

They’re probably just counting people who purchased the backwards compatible game from the store.

Is this only a viable option in certain climates? I live in Florida, and the lawn gets a LOT of sun throughout the day. I doubt I could make a moss lawn work, but I may be wrong...

That’s one of the options I was thinking of, thanks. I’m interested to hear what people’s experiences with turf in general are - does it actually drain well, get too hot, hold up well in the sun, etc.

Yes, it is :) It’s not common, but it exists. There are some nice looking artificial alternatives too, that look very natural. If I had better internet access at the moment, I would post some links.

I’d love to hear if anyone here has actually gone with a turf lawn. I want to get natural-looking turf to redo my lawn, and I’m trying to convince the wifey.

One other big thing to point out is the use of the term potentially classifiedinformation or sensitive informationin the news. Potentially classified or sensitive information =/= classified. For example, an IP address to a computer on a secret network is not classified. A computer name for a computer on a secret

Wait, people buy avocado toasts at restaurants? I thought the entire reason this joke/meme was funny is that avocados are like $1 at the supermarket and bread is, well.... bread.

It should be noted that you should never, ever apply a tourniquet to an appendage that person isn’t willing to lose to stay alive. When you tourniquet something, you are completely cutting off blood flow to that portion of the body, and essentially killing it. Is this a worthy trade-off to stay alive? Quite possibly,

In the “Jungle Book” video game on Sega Genesis, entering the code makes your level timer run down rapidly and a “haha!” monkey sound plays :)

I have never once in my life seen lavender soda anywhere... is this a common thing? Is it regional? I legit had no idea it existed.

The only thing I want is the ability to “unsubscribe” from real life mail... sigh. Oh look, I got another Red Plum flyer in the mail that I’m never ever going to read or use... I wish I could tell them to please stop sending me it. I’m on all of the no junk mail lists, they don’t really do anything. All of the

This does not work if you are in government contracting. I work for a company (the company changes every few years) who employs me, and that company gets contracted to do a job. How this conversation usually goes is: What is your previous salary? Oh I keep that confidential...etc Ok, no problem. *Submits contract with

But if they can check on my previous salary, then why wouldn’t they just do that? Why ask me for my previous salary and then look it up anyway?

Is there a mod that only shows combat animations for my civ and maybe the civ I’m at war with, while skipping all other player’s turn animations? Because that’s the mod I’ve wanted since the beginning of time.

I dont agree with this at all. Being needy can only be considered a perfectly fine thing if you are self-sufficiently needy. If you are needy because youre craving attention or love or a feeling of comradery, but you can function on your own if you had to, then its fine. But if youre needy in that you cant

So I have the original ATH-M50's, not the M50Xs. I got them about 5 years ago, before the M50's gained the huge following they have today. I like them, but if there are many changes between the M50's and the M50Xs, I dont want to recommend them to anybody. I cant seem to find any of the M50's (not X) available

So I have the original ATH-M50's, not the M50Xs. I got them about 5 years ago, before the M50's gained the huge

Translation: work next to whoever is most likely to leave you alone

This only works if you work with people who aren’t *ssholes... I’ve said something to this end when a coworker of mine came at me with some stupid crap in the middle of a meeting and they immediately followed it up with “well if you had bothered to do your job, then you wouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable for being