Anyone who can manage doing that probably isn't still running XP as their go to OS anyway
Haha looks like I did my research well! I own the first 2 printers on this list, and both are awesome! :) We use the brother for generic black n white printouts, and the Epson color inkjet for presentations/reports/business flyers.
I agree whole-heartedly! As someone who is pretty much starting out in life and just had to get a new cheap, reliable car, doing my research and finding something that just focused on reliability, durability, and fuel efficiency was extremely hard. It seemed to me that all of the auto makers I could find at my price…
I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way - and I'm a dude! My wife and I hated how this dress looked on her
Oh you found it! I knew I left that lampshade somewhere
HAHAhahaha ...that last one... I can't even
OK... seriously? That second one up from the bottom... I... what?!
I played Bulletstorm in a single afternoon and returned it for full credit at the store with a receipt because I felt like I had gotten everything out of it I could have already.
This looks AMAZING! As someone who has played and loved all of the Sims though, I already know how much I'm goign to have to fight to play it... :( Whether that be totally overpriced expansions introducing basic aspects of gameplay that were mysteriously left out in the main game, or being locked into Origin and…
HO-LEE-SHIT! You're right!! It has a sitemap!! A SITEMAP!
Yup. This explains my wife and I's relationship perfectly...
edit - mispost sorry
This is the exact photo I thought of when I read this title haha
Yea, I think it's a stretch to call this a list of what makes women feel "Sexy" ...confident is definitely the more appropriate term. ...unless there's something I'm not aware of that makes women feel sexy about "chatting with a friend or close relative" haha
A word of warning about subscribing to anything on Amazon: It's totally unreliable, in both price and delivery. Almost everything I've subscribed to on Amazon's subscribe and save that was cheaper to buy online than at my local big box stores was cancelled and no longer available for SubnSave after only 1 or 2…
Lesson: Basic personal finance know-how